St. Paul's Convent School, Primary Section

Healthy Living Guide

Explore these online games and activities about physical, mental, and environmental health.

Main page

Physical Health Games

My plate matching game Build a meal game

My Plate Match Game is a fun, interactive game the names and colors of the food groups, how to categorize foods by food groups and ways to be active 60 minutes per day

Travel around with Kevin to build the perfect meal.

Shine time Micro doctor

Help Dr. Bobby Swirl to clear the sugary ‘invaders’ and defend mouths against the build-up of plaque before it attacks and damages teeth.

Shrink down in size and become the Micro Doctor as you travel inside the body to find out more about blood.

Poop shooter Ruby's Heart game

K’ulu the Planet Gobbler’s belly is too full of food. Help keep K’ulu happy and healthy.

Learn how to keep yourself healthy by discovering how different exercises can affect your heart rate.

Mental Health Games

puzzle lanterns

Puzzles are a great way to keep your mind focused and engaged.

Write down your feelings on the lanterns and let your worries float away.

Environmental Health Games

Recycle city Sorting stuff into proper bins

Explore Recycle City to see how the people of the town reduce waste,

use less energy, and even save money by doing simple things at home,

at work, and in their neighborhoods.

Help clean the park by sorting stuff people throw away and put it in the proper bins

Personality quiz Quiz whiz

Personality quiz: Take this just-for-fun quiz to see what kind of planet protector you are.

Save the earth: take the quiz to find out how green you are!